Tuesday 18 December 2012

Solving Linear Equations using Gauss Elimination

  Gauss elimination is performed on the coefficient matrix to make it an upper triangular matrix. Corresponding changes are also made on the product matrix.  Then back substitution is used to obtain the solutions. The method is often used to solve system of linear equations. Elementary row operations are used to obtain the upper triangular matrix in Gauss elimination method. The program may fail to produce a result if one of the diagonal elements is reduced to zero, even when there is a solution. In such a case please run the program again after changing the order of the equations entered into the coefficient matrix.

The Figure Below Shows the Output For Four Equations in Four Unknown Variables. 

Click here to download the C Program to solve Linear Equations by applying Gauss Elimination.
Click here to download the C++ Program to solve Linear Equations by applying Gauss Elimination.

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